Saeed Al-Fateh
In the 21st century, the United States and its allies initiated new operations to safeguard their global dominance, with the primary objective of neutralizing any adversaries that posed a threat to their power.
They identified Muslims as the sole force on earth capable of challenging their supremacy. Plans were made to initiate wars in Islamic countries. In some, they planned direct interventions to suppress the Ummah, while in others, they started creating proxy groups like ISIS.
These proxy groups, including ISIS, not only facilitated the expansion of their influence but also worked to malign the image of Islam. The U.S. found this indirect approach more advantageous than direct military engagement, opting to let ISIS advance their strategic goals.
When it was time to implement these plans, the U.S. launched invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Lacking any legitimate pretext for these attacks, they pressured the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan over the presence of foreign Mujahideen, demanding their surrender. However, the true intent was to create a pretext for war, leading to the onset of conflict.
In the 21st century, amid the clash between faith and materialism, the majority sided with materialism, while a resolute minority stood firm in their faith. This war persisted for two decades, and ultimately, the small but steadfast group of believers emerged victorious. Alhamdulillah.
During the past twenty years of colonialism, the U.S. and ISIS had certain objectives, including:
1. Distorting the appearance and meaning of Islam:
They intended to present an incomplete version of Islam, where its commandments were altered, reducing it to merely a name. The goal was to create a superficial form of Islam that would displease God, as per a Pashto saying, “The Hindu is tired, God is still angry.” ISIS played a key role in undermining Islam disguised as a Muslim entity.
2. Eliminating armed opposition:
In the modern era, few dared to challenge the U.S. and its allies. However, the Islamic Emirate and its allied forces were unafraid to confront America’s military might.
Their steadfast faith drove them to challenge the American system, prompting the U.S. to seek their annihilation.
This force was not just a threat to America but to the entire Zionist agenda and had the potential to elevate the Islamic system. Meanwhile, ISIS, under the guise of Islam, led thousands of young men astray, dragging them into illegitimate conflicts in the name of Jihad, and martyred renowned scholars and warriors—actions that would have been exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for America to achieve on its own.
3. Exploiting the strategic location of the Islamic world:
Islamic nations, positioned centrally with significant oil reserves, important trade routes, and strong trade ties globally, became targets for the U.S. and its allies to assert control over the region. They aimed to exploit these opportunities, especially raw materials, for themselves instead of China and Russia. Since their motive was to boost their economic power, they created ISIS to justify their presence in areas where they had no legitimate excuse but desperately needed access.
4. Ensuring the survival of American dominance:
To maintain their supremacy, the U.S. aimed to erase the cultural and historical identities of other nations, distorting their heritage and imposing Western-style democracy in the name of progress. They prepared the groundwork for implementing this flawed democratic model, using their own people disguised as religious adherents to discredit the faith, thereby steering people towards democracy—much like how ISIS became a tool to tarnish the image of Islam.
5. Americanization under the guise of globalization:
Under the guise of globalization, citizens of third-world or impoverished nations were Americanized to propagate American ideologies.
Numerous other goals were pursued, such as creating markets for weapons, spreading immorality, causing global unrest, retaining a military presence in Asian countries, and so forth, in preparation for this twenty-year conflict. However, Alhamdulillah, they suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Mujahideen, and the region was…