Part 5
Written by: Barkatullah Danishwar
2. Extreme Takfir and Reckless Actions
The second issue is this rapid judgment and immediate execution of orders. Sometimes, one wonders whether a human being can endure such a heavy responsibility, or if they will falter under its weight.
Even more concerning is when an individual assumes the role of a judge, makes decisions about others, and pronounces severe rulings against them. Punishments are uniformly applied, without considering the specific nature of the crime. Every individual is judged collectively—akin to a desert court—and deemed deserving of a severe sentence.
This represents the epitome of oppression, as individuals are thrust into a confined circle without the opportunity to defend themselves, present their cases, or even entertain hope of preserving their lives. They are left only to await their demise.
Since its inception as a group, ISIS has shed an immeasurable amount of blood, plunged numerous families into mourning, and taken the lives of numerous community leaders. They have shown no compassion towards individuals and have failed to consider the impact of their actions on families.
When questioned about their motives for killing, or the justification behind their actions, their response is simply that their victims were “misguided.” They perceive themselves as the ultimate arbiters and rulers.
Those deeply entrenched in extremist ideologies, who take pleasure in bloodshed and killing—how can they claim to establish a caliphate? How can they extend kindness to ordinary individuals or provide them with a sense of security?
3. Claiming an Islamic Caliphate or a Cover for Personal Agendas?
Islam represents the final, divinely ordained religion, revealed for the well-being, survival, and eternal success of humanity. Its teachings serve as a compass, guiding individuals towards a life of balance, righteousness, and well-being—one founded on moderation, harmony with human nature, and the pursuit of prosperity in this world and the hereafter.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent with the specific mission of perfecting noble character, nurturing individuals, and fostering intellect. In simple yet profound words, he declared, “I have been sent to perfect good character.”
In the city of Mecca, the point of connection between earth and sky, where the Holy Kaaba is located, during the prolonged period of cessation of revelation, the disease of idolatry had become prevalent in the market of worship and servitude. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, dedicated himself to the internal transformation of individuals, illuminating hearts with the light of monotheism and guiding them back towards the expanse of divinity and sanctity. He embarked on his mission methodically, yet resolutely.
Despite the widespread ignorance, deep-rooted misguidance, and long-standing physical and intellectual enslavement, the Prophet (PBUH) did not resort to wielding arms abruptly. Instead, he focused on nurturing capable individuals before engaging in the struggle.
He embarked on a gradual and steadfast path of reform, addressing hearts, exposing vices, and elucidating virtues, with the aim of attracting those with pure disposition, sound conscience, and awakened intellect towards the truth, transforming them into staunch supporters of the religion.
It took thirteen years for the Prophet’s (PBUH) personal efforts to come to fruition, assembling a devoted cadre of selfless and loyal followers around the beacon of prophethood. Over time, they became ready to progress to the next stage—directly challenging falsehood.
Following an extensive period of education and training, purification of minds and hearts, liberation from animosities and intellectual darkness, and emancipation from the shackles of enslavement, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and his companions resolved to manifest Islam as the preeminent, final, and just religion. They declared themselves followers of this new faith and established the religion in the city of Medina.