Part: 4
Written by: Ehsan Arab
The Defamation of Islam by the ISIS
Since the inception of divine revelation upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) until the present day, the adversaries of Islam have employed a myriad of deceitful tactics to undermine Islam and tarnish its reputation. Their primary objective has always been to misguide the followers of this Ummah and impede the propagation of this sacred message.
Upon recognizing their inability to counter the divine message brought by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the Quraysh resorted to obstructing people from meeting him and disseminating unfounded accusations.
During the Hajj season, as pilgrims journeyed to Makkah to visit the Kaaba, the Quraysh would sit along the paths and warn them, saying, “Do not listen to Muhammad (peace be upon him); he is a sorcerer and a liar,” despite knowing his truthfulness.
Even today, adversaries of Islam employ various forms of deception and manipulation against this divine message and its sincere followers. The unbelieving world seeks to distort the noble teachings of Islam, striving to erect a formidable barrier between Islam and Western societies, thereby impeding its dissemination among the populace.
Indeed, one of the primary tools used to defame Islam is the abhorrent group known as ISIS. The West amplifies their brutality, presenting their distorted interpretation as the true essence of Islam, striving to convince the world that Islam is a religion of violence. It is no surprise that ISIS-Khawarij record and broadcast their horrific crimes with such cinematic expertise, seemingly rivaling Hollywood itself.
Their horrifying videos—completely contradicting the essence of Islam, yet released under its banner—raise serious concerns for any rational individual: How can a group, allegedly condemned from all sides, spread its videos so swiftly and on such a global scale?
The only logical answer is that they enjoy extensive support from the West. The disbelieving world’s media is responsible for spreading ISIS’s horrors, deliberately portraying Islam as synonymous with terrorism. However, the reality remains that Islam stands in stark contrast to ISIS and its heinous deeds.