Written by: Abu Yousuf Jamal
The ISIS group, which conducted all its battles under the guise of establishing a global Islamic caliphate, has in reality created significant obstacles and challenges to the advancement of global jihad. This has dealt a severe blow to the movement for global jihad within the Muslim Ummah.
ISIS agitators endeavored to fundamentally alter the concept of global jihad. Through their malicious actions, they narrowly defined jihad as a struggle solely against non-Sunni Muslims. In order to enhance their recruitment efforts, ISIS stoked sectarian divisions to such an extent that rather than striving for the establishment of a caliphate by Muslims, efforts for division and irreligiosity began to surface.
In their attempt to obstruct global jihad, ISIS initially created discord with Al-Qaeda during their territorial expansion. Al-Qaeda, which had operated for decades with firm beliefs and a structured Islamic mission for global jihad, became a target of ISIS. Instead of directing their efforts against the Crusaders, ISIS turned their aggression towards Al-Qaeda.
Following the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Crusaders diverted Muslims from jihad through effective intellectual warfare. However, ISIS, under the guise of global jihad, not only fostered divisions among Muslims but also tarnished the reputation of jihad through the mass killings of innocent civilians.
ISIS methodically worked to foment and escalate conflicts among other jihadist groups. They incited extensive sectarian debates to keep these groups entangled in internal disputes, clashes, and even violent confrontations. This strategy ultimately favored ISIS, while other jihadist movements became distracted from the global mission of jihad and embroiled in internal conflicts.
In conclusion, ISIS has significantly contributed to the promotion of distorted concepts regarding global jihad. Consequently, active jihadist groups are now endeavoring to dispel these misconceptions. Their aim is to establish a proper understanding of global jihad, reinvigorate the mission, and bring an end to the prolonged stagnation within the Muslim Ummah.