Part 5
Mufti Bashir Ahmad Mahajir
6. Moral Corruption
Moral corruption is a significant factor that leads to the deviation from Islamic ethics and principles, both within society and in the lives of individual Muslims. It manifests in two primary forms: moral corruption within society and moral corruption in personal life.
1. Moral Corruption in Society:
Moral corruption in society encompasses actions such as lying, deceit, fraud, and engaging in non-Islamic transactions. It also includes selfishness, where individuals prioritize personal gain without regard for the harm inflicted on others. Other manifestations include theft, usurpation, dishonesty in trade (such as shortchanging or tampering with weights), and the spread of evil and corruption. These behaviors erode trust within society, creating an environment of mistrust and moral decay.
2. Moral Corruption in Personal Life:
Moral corruption in personal life refers to actions that deviate from the teachings of Allah (SWT) and the practices of His Messenger (SAW). It is imperative for Muslims to adhere to Islamic principles and standards in their personal conduct. For instance, while wearing trousers (pants and shirts) may be permissible, it is not morally appropriate for a Muslim, as their attire should reflect dignity, honor, and adherence to Islamic values.
Similarly, adopting traditional Islamic attire, such as wearing a turban or a lungi (a traditional wrap), should be encouraged. It is noteworthy that followers of other religions, such as Sikhs, firmly adhere to their traditional attire despite their beliefs being rooted in falsehoods and superstitions. Why, then, should Muslims abandon the Sunnah of their forefathers and the righteous predecessors? Likewise, Muslim women should wear clothing that preserves their dignity and modesty, ensuring that their attire does not lead others into temptation or fitnah.
Additionally, the blessed Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (SAW), such as growing a beard—which serves as a distinguishing feature between men and women—has been neglected by many Muslim youth. These are examples of moral corruptions that plague the Ummah today. May Allah (SWT) protect the Muslim Ummah from such deviations and guide them back to the path of righteousness.
7. Intellectual Colonialism
The decline of Islamic culture and thought can be attributed, in part, to the lack of independent thinking among some Muslims and their blind imitation of Western culture. Intellectual colonialism, or intellectual slavery, occurs when individuals, societies, or nations uncritically adopt the culture, ideas, theories, and values of others without proper evaluation or analysis. This results in the loss of intellectual independence and identity.
This form of mental enslavement compels individuals or societies to imitate foreign ideologies, abandoning their own creativity, original thought, and core values. How does a nation fall victim to intellectual colonialism? It happens when a dominant culture or nation seeks to reshape the thoughts, ideas, and values of others to serve its own interests.
In this process, whether consciously or unconsciously, individuals or societies relinquish their intellectual independence and adopt the ideologies of their colonizers. This not only undermines their cultural and religious identity but perpetuates a cycle of dependency and subjugation.