New Revelations Regarding the Kandahar Attack

Al-Mirsaad has acquired the latest information from a security source indicating that the attack in Kandahar was perpetrated by an individual named Madiyarov Asadbek, who was a citizen of a Central Asian country.

Reportedly, Madiyarov Asadbek, along with a companion, had recently joined the Khorasan branch of ISIS in the Balochistan province of Pakistan, where they underwent intellectual and religious training for a period of two months.

Both of them were under intellectual and religious training in Balochistan for the past two months.

Madiyarov Asadbek had arrived in Kandahar shortly before the attack took place.
According to sources, Balochistan is now one of the main hubs of ISIS’s Khorasan branch.

Sources suggest that Balochistan currently serves as a significant stronghold for the Khorasan branch of ISIS, housing hideouts, training facilities, and bomb-making workshops.

Furthermore, it has been disclosed that the leader of the Khorasan branch, Shihab Al-Muhajir, along with his close associates, are residing in Balochistan province, orchestrating attacks not only in Afghanistan but also globally.

Additionally, the attack in Iran’s Kerman was orchestrated by a Tajik citizen from Pakistan’s Balochistan province, known by the aliases Tareq and Abdullah, who played a pivotal role in the planning and execution of the attack.

It is noteworthy that ISIS in Pakistan specifically targets the political opponents of the army, anti-Western religious scholars and Pakistani Baloch nationalists.

Abu Ahmad
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