ISIS: Mossad’s Contracted Assassins in the War on Islam | Part 2


Written by: Abu Mansur al-Maturidi

Part 2

In the previous section, it has been demonstrated that the founders of the modern Kharijites (ISIS) are of Jewish origin and operate in accordance with directives and strategies laid out by them.

A key element that substantiates the claim that “Daesh serves as contracted agents of Israeli intelligence entities” is evident through an analysis of their actions throughout history. They consistently target individuals engaged in efforts to reinstate the Islamic Caliphate.

Across regions such as Iraq, Syria, and notably Afghanistan, they have persistently aimed at significant Islamic and Jihadi figures whose presence instilled fear in non-believing factions, as they were seen as potential catalysts for the restoration of the Islamic Ummah to its past eminence.

In order to neutralize such figures, the non-believers have employed these purported advocates of the Caliphate, who in truth operate as agents hired by Jewish interests. Through them, malevolent schemes were executed to obstruct the Muslim community from establishing the Islamic Caliphate, culminating in partial success.

Esteemed readers, it is now left to your judgment to discern whether those obstructing the revival of the Islamic Caliphate, systematically eliminating respected figures who advocate and inspire the resurgence of the Caliphate, and merely using the slogan “Caliphate, Caliphate” as a facade to disguise their sinister motives, can be viewed as genuine proponents or adversaries of the Caliphate’s revival.

It is clear, even a simple-minded individual can perceive, that those whose deeds consistently contradict their words lack sincerity in their professed ideals.

The Islamic organizations that have made immense sacrifices – in terms of wealth, lives, progeny, and all other possessions – in their pursuit of reviving the Caliphate, have been consistently subjected to treacherous and cowardly assaults by these contracted assassins working on behalf of Jewish interests.

Abu Ahmad
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