The Coordination Between ISIS and the NRF: A Failed Conspiracy of the Enemies of Islam


Written by: Abu Usama Khorasani

When discussing the alleged coordination between ISIS and the Rebellion Front, some may find it surprising or even impossible. This is due to the stark differences in their goals and motives, as both groups have taken up arms for separate causes.

The Rebellion Front seeks to abolish Sharia law, dismantle the Islamic system, and establish a corrupt Western system under the banner of democracy. Conversely, the ISIS-Khawarij claim that their aim is to implement Islamic Sharia.

Therefore, it may be questioned how these two groups, operating under two different banners and slogans, have come together and are jointly opposing the Islamic system in Afghanistan.

In response to such inquiries, it is crucial to consider a few key points:

1. What the ISIS-Khawarij and the Rebellion Front claim are nothing more than empty slogans, and their real aim is something else.

For instance, the ISIS-Khawarij justifies their false battles and the spilling of innocent blood by claiming that their opponents have failed to implement Islamic Sharia. However, after the fall of the puppet republican regime, the Islamic Emirate has implemented Sharia in Afghanistan, So, what is the reason for their continued opposition and fighting?

Similarly, the Rebellion Front raises slogans about human rights, women’s rights, and establishing democracy for the betterment of Afghans. Yet, during the twenty years of occupation, under the rule of these same corrupt individuals, neither Muslim women were safe, nor were Afghan children protected from being killed, nor did the democratic system solve any of the people’s problems.

2. Although the slogans of ISIS and the Rebellion Front differ, their backers and patrons—primarily the tyrannical United States and various regional and global intelligence agencies—share a common goal: to eliminate the Islamic system in Afghanistan.

This goal remains after the defeat of the infidel armies, and it is now pursued by their proxy groups in Afghanistan. As the saying goes, “Whoever feeds you controls you.”

3. Despite the support of foreign forces and extensive propaganda campaigns in the region and worldwide, the efforts of both groups have failed. Having achieved nothing, they have united to strengthen one another.

To keep their deceived and ignorant followers satisfied, they initially concealed this alliance. However, during recent operations, the brave soldiers of the Islamic system exposed their filthy reality. Now, they hold no standing, even among their own supporters.

After facing defeat on the battlefield, they have also been humiliated in ideological and media battles. Soon, by the will of Allah, the corrupt roots of these groups will be completely eradicated in Afghanistan, insha’Allah.

Abu Ahmad
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