The Purpose Behind ISIS’s Creation


Written by: Dr. Asad

The primary objective of creating ISIS was to tarnish the reputation of Islam, Islamic states, and jihadist groups. The core purpose behind the establishment, activities, and campaigns of this group was to present the noble religion of Islam to the world and people as a symbol of terror, oppression, and barbarism.

The direct involvement of America, Israel, and other anti-Islamic countries lies behind the formation of this group. These nations provide ISIS forces with salaries, resources, and weapons with the aim of defaming the revered religion of Islam, furthering their own interests, and presenting a distorted image of Muslims to the world.

When ISIS commenced its operations in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, it immediately started committing severe atrocities and oppression. From dismembering children to taking Muslim women hostage, they committed every form of crime, in accordance with their assigned mission.

Meanwhile, ISIS’s brutalities were echoed by American media. To achieve this goal, ISIS fighters were trained, supported, and given high privileges for many years by these countries.

Similarly, in Afghanistan, ISIS operated under the direct support of America and other anti-Islamic countries. During the previous “Republic” regime, this group operated freely in Nangarhar, receiving weapons and money, with no attempts made to impede their atrocities. In fact, there were even voices raised in support of them and their campaigns.

Nevertheless, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) swiftly took action against them. In every province and district where they attempted to target innocent Afghans, they were neutralized before achieving their objectives. Consequently, they failed to achieve their ambitions.

Abu Ahmad
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