The Caliphate: A Victim of ISIS’s Deceptive Ideology


Written by: Waleed Wiyar

The Islamic Caliphate was the authentic Islamic system of its time, governed by sincere and honorable leaders who upheld the banner, dignity, and grandeur of Islam globally. It functioned as a shield, offering security and prosperity to the Muslim community, which is why it was seen as a thorn in the eyes of anti-Islamic societies, individuals, and governments.

The adversaries of Islam have persistently endeavoured to dismantle this genuine pillar of unity among Muslims, with the aim of fragmenting them into distinct regions, factions, and states. Ultimately, they succeeded in dismantling the Ottoman Caliphate through Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, pushing Muslims into a pit of misery under the guise of freedom, nationalism, secularism, and other fabricated concepts.

Since the Caliphate had once achieved great glory, adversaries of Islam devised strategies to obstruct Muslims from reclaiming that unity and splendor by fabricating groups and pseudo-leaders purporting to establish an Islamic Caliphate. These entities have tainted the concept of “Caliphate,” fostering distrust among Muslims.

For modern Kharijites (ISIS), this presented an opportunity to exploit their facade to further Western and Crusader agendas under the guise of Islam. By creating divisions within the Muslim community based on Sunni and Shia distinctions, they could further the goals of non-believing nations without backlash.

If we examine their leaders, many of them are obscure figures, or individuals with questionable reputations in society. Their religious contributions are not apparent; they only become noticeable when issuing orders or conveying messages. Their interpretations of Islam are misguided, and they interact with the general public in a domineering manner. In the era of the republic, they acted ruthlessly, proclaiming themselves as conquerors in specific regions and regarding the lives and possessions of the population as plunder.

Their publications and broadcasts are largely based on violence and discrimination, with no trace of reform or public welfare. Most of their writings appear to be translations from foreign languages or dictated narratives, misinterpreting religion and promoting deviant rhetoric to serve their political agendas.

If we question their achievements to date, we find that in no Islamic country have they accomplished anything significant. They have only killed Muslims and have never raised objections against the occupying plans of the U.S. and European countries. As such, their so-called achievements only serve these disbelieving entities.

The issue of their supporters is also very clear. During the time of the republic, there was ample evidence of their transport in the helicopters and tanks of the occupiers and their allies. They received funds and were heavily supported in their battles against the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate.

Currently, Afghanistan has a model and exemplary Islamic system in place, with committed and knowledgeable leaders in charge of its institutions. The people live in peace and happiness, reconstruction projects are ongoing, and efforts for formal recognition are in progress. So, what is the point of claiming to establish another Islamic system in the presence of such a system?

For genuine Muslims who aspire for an Islamic system, supporting the existing system is an individual obligation. Conversely, those with personal or colonial ambitions are inclined to undermine it and assert their own version of an “Islamic” system.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is not a system gifted by anyone; rather, it has emerged through the sacrifices of numerous martyrs and devotees. It embodies a governance structure under a singular leader, characterized by unified obedience, endorsed by a noble cause, and fortified by the unwavering support of the populace.

As for the Kharijites, they hold no foothold in Afghanistan due to their inability to garner popular support. Whenever they temporarily seized a village during the republican era, inhabitants would hastily flee in fear, rendering the village deserted. Doesn’t this illustrate the profound aversion people harbor towards them? Have they ever succeeded in winning over a single village?

Fortunately, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has ensured the eradication of Kharijites and foreign entities, fulfilling their pledge. The absence of threats to neighboring or distant nations underscores their commitment, leaving no room for ISIS or other dissenting groups.

If they ever re-emerge under any name or take advantage of any situation to commit wrongful acts, the intelligence and security forces will swiftly bring them to justice for their actions. Insha’Allah, the people are aware and can clearly distinguish between right and wrong.

Abu Ahmad
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