“ISIS or Opportunistic Looters?”


Written by: Hashim Khalid

Islam is a religion that promotes peace and prosperity. Within Islam, a person’s wealth, life, and honor are considered sacred and inviolable. It is the fundamental duty of Islam, its teachings, and those who enforce them to protect the wealth, lives, and honor of Muslims and peaceful individuals.

Hence, whenever discourse pertains to the caliphate of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the leadership of Muslims, or jihad, both Muslims and non-Muslims residing under their governance anticipate the protection of people’s wealth, lives, and honor.

However, if those who claim to establish an Islamic caliphate fail to protect the wealth, lives, and honor of the people, or even worse, attack them for wealth, then they are not mujahideen but mere thieves and looters.

Recently, the Human Rights Watch in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor reported that ISIS (Baghdadi’s militia) threw hand grenades into the home of a man in the village of Dhiban because he was a mobile phone trader who refused to pay them money.

Similarly, not long ago, the same Human Rights Watch reported that ISIS stole sheep from local shepherds and sold them to local militias, known as the “National Defense Forces,” who then resold them to livestock traders to fulfill their personal desires.

It is worth noting that ISIS has committed numerous crimes in Afghanistan as well, particularly in areas such as Momand Dara, Achin, Pachir Aw Agam, Khogyani, and Bati Kot districts of Nangarhar. These districts will never forget these atrocities.

These are individuals who have exploited the name of Islam and the caliphate to spread corruption on earth. They have further oppressed the innocent, strengthened tyrants, and continuously violated the wealth, lives, and honor of Muslims—and they continue to do so today.

Abu Ahmad
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