“ISIS: A Catalyst in the Undermining of Islamic Strength”


Written by: Farhad Frotan

A comprehensive and succinct analysis of history demonstrates that Islamic lands have frequently been impacted by groups that outwardly present themselves as Islamic, yet covertly pursue the objectives of its enemies.

Although enemies employ various strategies to dominate Islamic territories and achieve their malicious goals, the guise of Islam remains the primary and most effective means of infiltration, allowing these enemies to enter Islamic societies disguised as friends and allies.

ISIS exemplifies this deceptive strategy, adopting the outward appearance of Islam while transforming into one of the most dangerous groups opposing Islamic values and principles.

Despite ISIS’s claims of establishing and reviving an Islamic caliphate, the group, in truth, utilizes this deceptive slogan to exploit and suppress enthusiastic young Muslims.

A deeper examination reveals that ISIS manipulates the energy of devout young Muslims against the very faith they seek to serve. These individuals, who have long aspired to see the establishment of an Islamic system and have endured the oppression of non-Islamic governments, are drawn to ISIS’s seemingly appealing propaganda and quickly join their ranks.

However, once they realized the truth — that their energy was being used against Islam and Muslims — they tried to abandon this misguided path as soon as possible.

At the same time, the Takfiri-terrorist organization, ISIS, has used this gateway to demonstrate its loyalty to its masters. Rather than eliminating the strength of Islam — embodied in its youth — through direct means, the enemies of Islam have effectively neutralized this strength through ISIS’s betrayal.

It is now evident that ISIS emerged with the decisive support of regional intelligence agencies and initially gained momentum quickly, attracting many emotional young people. However, recent events have shown that many of these young people, due to their ignorance of true Islamic sources, have unknowingly become companions of ignorance and tyranny.

Abu Ahmad
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