“The Vanquishing of Daesh: Afghanistan’s Triumph Over Extremism”


Talib Jan Junaid

The West, along with America, unleashed every conceivable form of turmoil against the Islamic Emirate (IEA) in Afghanistan. From aerial bombardments and ground offensives to military, economic, educational, propaganda, cultural, and ideological assaults, they employed all their might. Yet, by the grace of Allah and the steadfast faith, resolve, and determination of the Mujahideen of the IEA, they failed miserably on all fronts.

A notable tactic employed by the opposition was the utilization of supposed Muslims (Daesh) under the guise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which temporarily impeded the progress of the Islamic Emirate.

A few years ago, the Khāriji group known as Daesh launched an offensive against the Islamic Emirate at a time when the Emirate’s forces were already deeply entrenched in battle against the invading Kuffār and their mercenaries. During this period, the invading forces provided every kind of support to the Khawārij, providing them with a vast array of weapons and resources, spending millions of dollars on them, and even bombing the fortifications that the Islamic Emirate had established against Daesh. An eyewitness Mujahid recounts how helicopters and convoys were dispatched to rescue the besieged Khāriji Daesh fighters, and through a rigorous operation, they were extricated from our grasp.

Three years ago, the IEA had successfully uprooted Daesh completely and inflicting a crushing defeat on the heinous murderers of Afghans. However as usual, the Americans yet again came to the rescue of these murderers, offering them sanctuary in Kabul’s prisons (which were essentially guest houses), and then released them before the arrival of the Islamic Emirate.

Those same individuals, along with others who have drawn the curses of their parents and our believing nation, have now regrouped and have started attacking Muslims again in an attempt to paint the Islamic Emirate as an inept and failed governance.

Although the Islamic Emirate has yet to complete three full years in power, it has already eradicated the roots of the Khāriji Daesh in Afghanistan and will not allow them to rise again.

Presently, Afghanistan flourishes in a state of peace. Alhamdulillah.

Abu Ahmad
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