“The Roots of Every Evil Trace Back to You”


Written by: Abdan Safi

Every day, Pakistan’s government officials and diplomats engage with international media, accusing Afghanistan without any evidence or justification. Their sole and clear objective is to tarnish the image of the Islamic Emirate and Afghanistan.

When we examine the underlying reasons behind such actions by Pakistani officials, it becomes apparent that these actions stem from Pakistan’s internal political, social, and economic deterioration, which has deeply troubled them. In these worsening conditions, they seem clueless about how to satisfy their people, as the public is fed up with their false promises and is no longer willing to trust them. Hence, they are assigning blame to Afghanistan for their failures.

A few days ago, a Pakistani diplomat, Asif Durrani, once again reiterated accusations against Afghanistan during a media interview. These claims were not only far from reality but also part of Pakistan’s ongoing illegitimate demands. Asif Durrani stated that the issue could be resolved if Afghanistan hands over the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) fighters to Pakistan.

Mr. Asif Durrani! There are no TTP fighters in Afghanistan. Instead, they can be located in the mountains, villages, and streets of Waziristan, Khyber, and Mohmand, where their presence is readily identifiable. Moreover, if they are not located in those areas, they can be found in the urban centers of Peshawar, Quetta, Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, and Tank, as they are not in hiding but have established strongholds there. It would not be an overstatement to suggest that they are actively seeking you out.

Mr. Durrani, why don’t you inform the world that you have failed to protect your own home? Perhaps you refrain from doing so because your battle is with your own people, who are well aware of your every move, and you are incapable of confronting them. Blaming others for your failures is essentially an admission of your own defeat and an effort to evade responsibility.

During his conversation, Asif Durrani also mentioned the rights of people in Afghanistan. However, he remained silent on whether the rights he advocates for the Afghan people are being ensured for the people in his own nation.

From Waziristan to Balochistan, what injustices are being perpetrated against the marginalized and susceptible groups in Pakistan? Have the inhabitants of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan not been deprived of their right to exist? Were their residences not forcibly demolished by state authority? Has their wealth not been looted? Have you not fostered division within your society along ethnic and religious lines?

If your proclamations are genuine, rather than discussing the rights of Afghans, ensure that your own citizens receive their entitlements. In Afghanistan, a pure Islamic system has been established that effectively safeguards the property, dignity, and rights of each individual, and continues to do so successfully, Alhamdulillah.

Asif Durrani further alleged that Afghanistan harbors terrorist groups capable of orchestrating threats similar to the events of 9/11, specifically mentioning ISKP. This claim is significant due to ISKP being a proxy group associated with Pakistan, frequently highlighted by Pakistani officials in international media in an attempt to amplify its perceived danger.

The presence of ISKP fighters and leaders is well-known in regions such as Balochistan, Khyber, Bajaur, and Dir, where they have established strongholds. These operatives strategize within Pakistani military guest houses before executing their plans in Afghanistan and neighboring countries in the region.

If we examine Asif Durrani’s statements and predictions of another 9/11-like event, it seems Pakistan is attempting to create an international crisis through its proxy group, ISKP, and is setting the narrative through Durrani. However, individuals must acknowledge that if any event transpires this time, its origins will trace back to the guest houses of the Pakistani military, and its architects will be the generals of the Pakistani army.

Abu Ahmad
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