Part: 3
Written by: Junaid Zahid
This section examines the factors contributing to Islamophobia in Western countries and evaluates the direct and indirect influence of ISIS on this phenomenon.
1. Lack of Direct Interaction with Muslims
The global rise of Islamophobia has been significantly exacerbated by extremist groups such as ISIS. A key contributing factor is the lack of direct contact between Westerners and Muslims.
When individuals study Islamic principles, they often develop an appreciation for Islam. However, witnessing the atrocities and destruction committed by ISIS distorts their perception of the religion, fostering fear and misunderstanding.
The absence of direct interaction between Westerners and Muslims frequently leads to the misconception that ISIS embodies Islamic beliefs. Consequently, many assume that if Muslims were to attain power, society would descend into terror, violence, and chaos.
2. Radical and Extremist Movements
When Westerners observe movements whose actions bear little resemblance to Islam’s core teachings, they often conclude that these actions define the entire religion. This misunderstanding further strains relations between ordinary Muslims and Western societies, as both the media and public discourse suggest that under Islamic governance, groups like ISIS and other extremist factions would proliferate.
After witnessing ISIS’s actions, individuals increasingly fear that any form of Islamic governance could lead to similar atrocities, prompting them to distance themselves from the religion.
3. Political Interests
Political interests also contribute significantly to the spread of Islamophobia. Those who view the establishment of an Islamic system as a threat to their power actively propagate fear of Islam. ISIS is often employed as a tool in these campaigns, intensifying negative perceptions of the religion.
Political elites—who have secured authority through corrupt practices and substantial resources—vehemently oppose the expansion of Islam. They fear that the widespread acceptance of Islam’s justice-oriented teachings would undermine their positions, erode their status, and free people from oppression, exploitation, and tyranny.
Many Westerners believe they lead enviable lives; however, in reality, they remain influenced by powerful forces that conceal hardships behind a façade of prosperity. Islam, as a faith rooted in truth and justice, advocates for leadership dedicated solely to serving and improving humanity, free of hidden agendas. It is a system designed for collective well-being and the advancement of society.
With such noble values and doctrines, how can the West tolerate Islam? For this reason, they create ISIS and other similar groups within Islamic societies—to make people believe that if Islam comes to power, the world will become like the regions where ISIS briefly ruled.
In regions where ISIS gained control, rampant bloodshed, devastation, and terror ensued. These heinous acts are deliberately attributed to Islam by Western entities in an effort to discourage individuals from embracing the religion.