The Esteemed Benefactor and Academic Figure of the Ummah


Mufti Hamas

Undoubtedly, scholars are the luminous stars on earth that adorn and illuminate the entire world.

As the Messenger of Allah has said:

اَلْعُلَمَاءِ فِي اَلْأَرْضِ مِثْلَ اَلنُّجُومِ فِي اَلسَّمَاءِ.


“The example of the scholars on earth is that of the stars in the sky.”

Hazrat Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

اَلعُلَماءُ نُجُومُ الاَرضِ

“Scholars are the stars on earth.”

In the clear night sky and the presence of many shining stars, one may not fully appreciate the value of the stars, unlike on a dark night during a stroll beneath a black moon.

Indeed, similarly, an individual may not fully appreciate the value and significance of scholars in their life until their absence is keenly felt.

When a towering figure of knowledge and wisdom, like the martyred Sheikh Rahimullah Haqqani, who served as a radiant beacon on earth, is lost, a profound sense of grief and apprehension permeates humanity as darkness engulfs its surroundings.

While death is an inevitable reality, the passing of such revered personalities feels like a loss of the entire world.

Shaheed Sheikh Saib was not merely a guiding light for the Muslim ummah of Afghanistan; rather, he stood as a true luminary and leader for the entire Muslim Ummah.

Martyr Sheikh Saib embodied the modern-day Imam Razi, serving as a fervent advocate for Jihad and a pragmatic leader of mujahids, along with his scholarly contributions, leaving a lasting impact in these spheres.

Sheikh Saib staunchly defended the faith with his profound knowledge, challenging the nefarious and adversarial factions of the time with unwavering courage. Fearless and undeterred, he stood firm in defense of the methodology of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaa, confronting the enemies of religion single-handedly.

The martyred teacher dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge, Jihad, and the propagation of the pristine teachings of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaa, steadfastly combating prevailing temptations and challenges.

He stood as a bastion of sound reasoning and fortitude, he ultimately departed from this transient world in a savage assault..

The Ummah stands indebted to him for his scholarly contributions and profound benevolence.

“Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un” – Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.

Abu Ahmad
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