Tajikistan transferred 50 ISIS women and children from Syria to its territory


Last Thursday, Tajikistan transferred 50 women and children associated with ISIS-Khawarij from Syria to its territory.

As per reports, the Kurdish-led authorities in northeastern Syria handed over 50 members of the Daesh family, including women and children, to a delegation from Tajikistan led by the Tajik ambassador in Kuwait.

Following the declaration of a so-called caliphate by ISIS in large parts of Syria and Iraq in June 2014, thousands of foreigners, including hundreds from Tajikistan, traveled to Syria to join the group and reside with their families. Subsequent to the defeat of this extremist group, many family members of the militants were detained in the sprawling al-Hol camp and the smaller Roj camp in northeastern Syria.

Zubaydullo Zubaydzoda, the Ambassador of Tajikistan in Kuwait, stated that following the relocation of these families, there are no Tajik families remaining in Syria who wish to return to Tajikistan voluntarily.

It is noteworthy that citizens of Tajikistan, largely due to their lack of religious understanding, have been a significant portion of the human resources of ISIS-Khawarij, and their involvement in attacks has recently escalated.

Abu Ahmad
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