Please save yourself and your children from fitnah


Maher Bilal

After the passing of the glorious era of Khairul-Quroon, the Islamic world suffered from various fitnahs (temptations). Each temptation gave rise to another new one, leading to the fragmentation of the Islamic world. These fitnahs often manifested in the form of factions, and at the moment, one can observe how much the Muslim world is suffering from these factions.

In an attempt to undermine Islam under the guise of Islam, infidels have formed many groups. The most dangerous sedition in this era is the Kharijites, with the main example being ISIS.

The Kharijites openly proclaim to defend Islam and serve Islam, but in reality, they are a severe fitnah trying to dismantle the foundations of Islam.

In the past, many of our young people were misled by the false slogans of Daesh-e-Khawarij and joined their ranks for worldly and hereafter gains. However, they ultimately incurred significant losses.

One major loss was the fact that they directly caused harm to hundreds of Muslims, labeled believers as disbelievers, plundered the property and honor of Muslims, and left thousands homeless or orphaned. They also misguided many young individuals away from the noble act of Jihad, leading them towards misfortune.

Fortunately, the majority of people globally are now aware of the origins of ISIS-Khawarij, their destructive practices under the guise of Islam, and their alliance with non-believers.

It is imperative for us to guide people away from this fitnah and prevent it on a broader scale. When discussing fitnahs, it is crucial to present potential solutions to safeguard oneself from such trials.

ISIS, notorious for its brutality and terrorism, has been actively attempting to lure young individuals. They are utilizing various media outlets to manipulate young minds, sow seeds of doubt towards religious leaders, and entice them into temptations once again.

In this era of temptations, it is essential to educate our children and all members of society about the dangers of such temptations and equip them to resist.

It is crucial to highlight the atrocities committed by instigators of sedition and illustrate their actions against Islam. By referencing the teachings of the Qur’an and Ahadith, individuals should be encouraged to remain steadfast in their faith and gain comprehensive knowledge about the principles of religion.

It is incumbent upon the imams of mosques, madrassas, universities, and school teachers to fulfill their responsibility in this regard effectively.

There are numerous strategies to safeguard our Ummah from all temptations, including the Kharijite ideology.

If we fail to address temptations and inform our people, we risk facing the consequences of these trials in the future without a remedy.

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

أَلَا كُلُّكُم رَاعٍ وَ كُلُّكُمْ مَسْؤُوْلٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِه الخ (بخارى:۸۵۳)


“All of you are shepherds, and each of you is responsible for his flock.”

It is evident from this noble Hadith that we will be held accountable for our family members on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, it is crucial to educate our families and friends about these challenges and guide them on how to protect themselves.

Let us strive to save ourselves and fellow believers from contemporary fitnahs.

ابو صارم
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