Pakistan and Tajikistan: The New Designers of ISKP!


Mobariz Herawi

During the occupation, as a result of the incompetence of the puppet administration in Kabul and the negative repercussions of the occupiers’ presence, Afghanistan emerged as a prominent area for the ISIS organization, particularly following the downfall of their alleged “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. They selected this country as the hub of their operations.

At that time, the main activities of this group took place in Nangarhar and Jawzjan, right under the eyes of the occupiers and their internal mercenaries. Moreover, there was a widespread belief that America was utilizing the Kharijites as a final weapon against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

However, with the rise of the Islamic Emirate, ISIS was eradicated from Afghanistan, and the miscreants of this group no longer had any ability to face the champions of the Islamic Emirate.

The Kharijites of ISIS, having lost their fighting spirit and being driven out of Afghanistan, gradually became tools of the intelligence agencies of regional countries, especially Pakistan and Tajikistan.

According to documents disclosed by Al-Mersaad, the true nature of this Takfiri group has become more conspicuous than ever, leaving no doubt within the Muslim Ummah regarding the mercenary character of the Kharijites.

Meanwhile, Pakistan, in order to safeguard its illegitimate interests, has been training and nurturing members of this group on its soil. On the other side of the border, Tajikistan has also provided the means to attract naive Tajik youths, thus doing a great service to ISIS and facilitating their recruitment.

Pakistan and Tajikistan have played a prominent role in perpetuating this sedition in Central Asia and have taken tangible measures toward its resurgence.

In the latest instance, Shahbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, made a two-day visit to Tajikistan, where he held meetings with the President of Tajikistan.

Although the stated purpose of this visit was bilateral relations, trade, and regional connectivity, it is evident that the rapid progress of Afghanistan under the rule of the Islamic Emirate, especially the recent Doha meeting which brought the country closer to the world than ever before, has not been to their liking and has been a thorn in the side of the disrespectful neighbors.

Since a free and independent Afghanistan is like a thorn in their eyes and they cannot bear to see the progress of this land of Mujahideen, they have risen to confront it, seemingly intending to ignite a fire that will burn their own beards.

Indeed, the revival of ISIS and the launch of this failed project will not only fail to harm the Islamic system of Afghanistan but will also lead to the collapse of their own puppet governments, a reality that will be affirmed over time, insha’Allah.

Abu Ahmad
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