*Obstacles to the IEA by the World*


Saeed Al Fatih

Although the dominance of the United States continues in the world, its supremacy is diminishing after its defeat in Afghanistan, as hegemony is recognized in a country that other nations follow in political, economic, and military spheres.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) neither accepts the political system established by the world as a model, nor adheres to its economic principles, nor does it follow the principles of internationalism.

Other political powers are also emerging against the United States, such as the member countries of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), etc. They have a specific common currency and principles, and they are working to remove the United States from its position of power.

For the past twenty years, the cooperation of the world with the United States was primarily due to the fear that a system might be established that would pose a threat to their interests and that it might become a center for a religion with a large following around the world.

Now that this centrality has been established and one country has gained independence, not only the United States but all countries are fearful of it, and they are all striving to exert pressure on the current system. Some have formed and funded an intelligence proxy group called Daesh, others have provided refuge to corrupt individuals from the previous administration under the guise of (NRF), and still others have begun to exert pressure by taking advantage of efforts to gain recognition.

The Islamic Emirate (IEA) has recognized all these challenges and crises and has overcome the following obstacles in the past three years:

1. The intelligence proxy group known as Daesh, which the World wanted to activate here, has been eliminated. In the past three years, the brave Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate have killed their key figures and brought this group close to complete eradication from the region.

2. The fugitives from the previous corrupt administration, who intended to wage war again with the help of foreigners, have been neutralized. The World has also been shown their true face, and efforts have been made internally to ensure that the youth do not fall victim to their deception and trickery again.

3. The World also wanted to extract domestic capital through making the traders flee, but contrary to their wishes, after the establishment of peace, other investors have also come to the country.

4. Regarding educated individuals who left the country, thankfully, all scholars and teachers have returned to fulfill their responsibilities.

In addition to these, there were other obstacles as well, but the IEA has addressed these issues over the course of three years and has removed all barriers that came in the way of establishing an Islamic system. Alhamdulillah

Abu Ahmad
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