New Operation Against a Joint Group of ISKP and Resistance Front in Takhar


Al-Mersaad has received new information from its sources indicating that on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the special forces of the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) conducted a series of operations in Takhar province. During this operation, three individuals were apprehended in possession of hand grenades, explosive materials, and light weapons.

The source adds that this group had intended to assassinate the former preacher of Takhar Grand Mosque, Mawlawi Abdul Qadir Hami, and had planned to attack his residence with hand grenades.

It was further disclosed by the source that this joint group comprised members of the Evil and Corruption group (NRF) and ISIS, with two individuals associated with the Resistance Front and one identified as an ISIS instigator named Qari Abdul Latif.

Mawlawi Abdul Qadir Hami had criticized the Islamic Emirate (IEA) last year, but recently he directed strong criticisms towards the government of Tajikistan. Security sources told Al-Mersaad that the plan to assassinate Mawlawi Abdul Qadir was made after his recent criticism.

The individuals who were arrested also admitted that the Evil and Corruption group (NRF) and ISIS had been collaborating with each other, with their coordination originating from Tajikistan. This plan was also provided to them by Tajikistan.

Abu Ahmad
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