Jerusalem: The Wounded Heart of the Ummah


Part 5

Written by: Abu Hajar Al-Kurdi

The Jews Prior to the Prophethood of the Last Prophet ﷺ:

Prior to the prophethood of the last prophet (PBUH), the the Jews would frequently give glad tidings to people about the imminent arrival of a prophet and promising to follow him. Their ancestors built fortified fortresses around Medina in preparation to assist the awaited prophet upon his arrival.

For this purpose, the Jews migrated from the Shām and settled in the vicinity of Medina. They even issued warnings to the polytheists of Medina (the Aws and Khazraj tribes), declaring, “We will embrace the final Prophet (PBUH), serve as his soldiers, and vanquish you.”

The Quran describes them:

[مِنْ قَبْلُ يَسْتَفْتِحُونَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا]

Translation: “[Before this, they used to pray for victory over the disbelievers]”

Clarification: “Meaning, before this Messenger came to them, they used to ask Allah to aid them by his arrival, against their polytheistic enemies in war.
They used to say to the polytheists, “A Prophet shall be sent just before the end of this world and we, along with him, shall exterminate you, just as the nations of `Ad and Iram were exterminated.”

The Jews in Medina were divided into three major tribes, collectively possessing around sixty fortified castles:

1. Banū Qaynuqa’
2. Banū Qurayza
3. Banū Nadir

The Aws and Khazraj tribes, enfeebled by prolonged conflicts, were ensnared in Jewish machinations. The Jews sowed discord among them, as they reaped benefits from hostilities and bloodshed.

The Jews After the Prophethood of the Last Prophets ﷺ:

On August 6, 610, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was honored with prophethood in Mecca. After years of preaching and guidance, he migrated to Medina upon Allah’s command.

In Medina, the Prophet (PBUH) made a treaty of mutual peace and cooperation with the Jews, Aws, and Khazraj, despite the Jews not accepting his prophethood. The key points of the treaty were:

1. The Jews would be free to practice their religion without interference.

2. Muslims and Jews would maintain good relations.

3. If either Muslims or Jews were attacked, they would assist each other.

4. The defense of Medina would be a joint responsibility.

5. Neither side would grant asylum to individuals without mutual consent.

6. If one side made peace with an enemy, the other side must honor the agreement.

7. Ransom for captives and blood money would follow traditional practices.

However, the Jews did not honor the treaty. Not only did they refuse to support the Prophet (PBUH), but they also conspired against him continuously.

[فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ مَا عَرَفُوا كَفَرُوا بِهِ فَلَعْنَةُ الله عَلَى الكافرين]


“But when there came to them that which they recognized, they disbelieved in it; so the curse of Allah is upon the disbelievers.”

Over time, the treacherous nature of the Jews became manifest through their repeated violations of agreements, plots against the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions, and alliances with polytheists in battles.

When the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza allied with the polytheists and attacked Medina, breaking the pact, conflict became unavoidable. This led to the exile of Banu Qaynuqa, the expulsion of Banu Nadir, the execution of the warriors of Banu Qurayza, and the eventual battle against the Jews of Khaybar.

Thus, the Muslims found respite from the malice of the Jews. The Quran highlights their enmity:

[لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا]

“You will surely find the most intense among the people in animosity toward the believers to be the Jews and those who associate others with Allah.”
(Al-Ma’idah: 82)

The Quran advises Muslims:

[يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى أَوْلِيَاءَ]


“O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies.”
(Al-Ma’idah: 51)

For this reason, the Prophet (PBUH) commanded:

“اخرجوا اليهود والنصارى من جزيرة العرب.”


“Expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula.”

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