ISIS-Khawarijs Collect Money from Individuals in the Name of Gaza and Storm Al-Aqsa


Contemporary Khawarijs have made it a habit to exploit the name of sacred Islam and the people’s suffering. Recently, social media activists affiliated with this deviant group have turned their attention to collecting funds by exploiting the sufferings of the Palestinian people and the crisis at Al-Aqsa.

The “اداره مجریات الاحداث’ is an unofficial media outlet associated with the ISIS-Khawarijs, which indirectly disseminates propaganda in support of ISIS and shares their news and viewpoints. Since March of last year, this particular administration has initiated a campaign titled “Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous,” urging individuals to provide financial assistance to the Muslim community in Gaza and to the Al-Aqsa Storm operation.

The Administration of Events has also published images of some forms of assistance to motivate individuals.

ISIS-Khawarijs collect funds in the name of Gaza and Al-Aqsa during a period when they regard all Palestinian jihadist organizations and their supporters as infidels.

Considering the stance of ISIS Khawarij, it can be stated that this group continues to exploit the suffering of Muslims, utilizing it as a pretext to gather funds. These funds are subsequently utilized to attain their nefarious objectives. The resources accumulated by Baghdadi’s generation under the guise of Islam, jihad, and aiding the oppressed, will be allocated towards undermining the mujahideen and perpetrating un-Islamic, criminal, and barbaric actions.

It should be noted that members of Baghdadi’s generation have complained on more than one occasion that their leaders use the funds collected in their name to benefit themselves.

Abu Ahmad
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