Daesh: The Greatest Fitnah of the Present Age


Muhammad Sadiq Tariq

The Takfiri terrorist group Daesh can be considered the greatest fitnah in the history of Islam in the present age, with its negative consequences extending beyond the defense of Islam and Muslims, and against the sacred status of Islam.

It can be further elaborated that the establishment, reinforcement, and collaboration with Daesh is a notable advancement in anti-Islamic schemes, particularly geared towards tarnishing the image of Islam. This has been established and implemented by infidel systems, especially the Zionist state, following the rise of a wave of Islamism around the world.

Daesh, under the guise of an Islamic group, not only acts against religious and Islamic principles but also provides an opportunity for opponents and opportunists to cast doubt on Islamic dignity through the group’s brutal actions, and to drive uninformed youth away from the fold of Islam.

The root of this issue is that this Takfiri group, Daesh, presents itself not as a non-Islamic group but as one that claims to be following the straight path of Islam. They portray their actions as being in complete accordance with Islamic principles and teachings.

Daesh attempts to provide a religious justification for its war and bloodshed in service of its Western supporters, even though it shows no mercy to anyone, including children, women, and the elderly. Islam, on the other hand, prohibits such brutal killings and is completely unrelated to them.

Abu Ahmad
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