Daesh: From their Enigmatic Rise to their Eventual Downfall


– Muhammad Sadiq Tariq

The criminal and bloodthirsty entity known as Daesh ostentatiously declared the establishment of the Khilāfah immediately following their emergence. Most political analysts at the time believed that Daesh came about as a result of collusion among regional and foreign intelligence networks, including those of the West.

Even though asserting such an allegation, which some regarded to be nothing but a blatant lie, was exceptionally challenging at the time and proved to be a major burden upon the shoulders of attempting to prove it, however the truth unveiled itself with the passage of time, exposing the stark reality.

Now that everything has become as clear as day, it is crucial to acknowledge the fact that Daesh is fundamentally estranged from being an Islamic entity that adheres to religious edicts. The reason their group was termed the “Islamic State” was solely for the sake of undermining the reputation of Islam and the Muslims.

Upon deeper examination of this issue, the fact that Daesh, with its novel doctrine—crafted through the combined endeavors of American, British, and Israeli intelligence—stepped into the battlefield against Islam and Muslims with substantial financial, military, and media support, becomes obvious. Among it’s most salient and conspicuous objectives was the fulfillment of Israel’s historic aspirations and dreams in the Middle East.

Now even though this group was founded under the guise of Islam, their true intentions were to present a distorted image of Islam to the world, thereby dissuading anyone from accepting it.

In this manner, Daesh adeptly furthered the political goals of its creators and weakened Islam before the nefarious global powers. The astounding aspect is that according to their stringent principles, the ambit of Islam is extremely narrow. Consequently, they denounced and brutally exterminated every Islamic group they came across without hesitation.

It is noteworthy that from it’s enigmatic rise to it’s eventual destruction, Daesh has perpetrated unparalleled atrocities against the Sunni community, surpassing every other anti-Islamic group throughout history.

Over the past few years, I have witnessed and heard of the most egregious crimes and terrifying atrocities committed by Daesh, which unequivocally reveal their deep-seated enmity towards Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah.

Abu Ahmad
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