Announcing a $10 Million Reward: America’s New Campaign for ISIS Propaganda


Mubarez Herawi

Following its defeat in Afghanistan, the American government has persistently attempted to magnify the presence of ISIS-Khorasan through new tactics and deception, portraying it as a significant global threat which contradicts the actual situation.

In fact, the presence of ISIS-Khorasan in Afghanistan is merely propaganda and does not exist in reality.

Subsequently, the United States has taken a major step by promoting a campaign in support of ISIS and has recently announced a ten million dollar reward for providing information leading to the dismantling of ISIS’s financial network.

Interestingly, the announcement claims that ISIS finances itself through the extraction of natural resources like talc mines in Nangarhar, receiving financial gifts from local individuals, taxes, extortion from people and local businesses, and profits from the sale of tobacco in Afghanistan.

This absurd and false claim is something that any rational person would completely dismiss.

How is it possible for ISIS, which does not control even an inch of Afghan soil, to extract mines, extort from people and local businesses, or sell tobacco?

However, when it mentions financial gifts from local individuals, it is clear that America is trying to portray the despised group of Kharijites as popular within Afghan society, indirectly suggesting that people are cooperating with this group.

This claim is nothing but slander, and the whole world witnesses the hatred and disgust of the Afghan nation towards this harmful faction.

If America’s true aim is to undermine ISIS, why did it not eradicate them when its troops were stationed in Afghanistan and ISIS held control over specific regions?

Why did it not take steps to dismantle ISIS’s financial network during that period and offer such incentives?

It is clear that America wants to exaggerate the threat of ISIS to deceive European countries and Afghanistan’s neighbors, preventing them from recognizing the Islamic Emirate.

Nevertheless, it is clear to all that ISIS’s presence in Afghanistan has been eradicated, and their malevolent schemes have been thwarted.

Despite America’s dissemination of propaganda and endeavors to amplify this vanquished menace, Afghanistan’s neighbors and other nations comprehend the actual situation on the ground and engage with the Islamic Emirate based on their own factual observations.

Abu Ahmad
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