Al-Mersaad has received updates regarding the relationship between ISIS and the deceased rebel commanders in Baghlan


Al-Mersaad has received the latest information from its sources regarding the two rebel commanders who were killed last Friday in the Nahrin district of Baghlan province.

A security source, well-informed about the security forces’ operations against ISIS, informed Al-Mersaad that the alliance between ISIS-Khawarij and these two commanders had been ongoing for an extended period.

As per the source, the collaboration between these rebel commanders and ISIS was facilitated by an individual named Commander Musa. Commander Musa, closely associated with the former warlord commander Hazrat Ali, has aligned himself with ISIS.

Upon the establishment of coordination, ISIS introduced a person named Maulvi Sirat to these commanders for cooperation and communication. Following Maulvi Sirat’s demise in a security forces operation in Kunduz province a year and a half ago, ISIS replaced him with Barkat, a resident of Badakhshan. Barkat, an active ISIS member, is backed by an individual named Khalid.

Conversely, the NRF commanders had introduced a person named Zakaria to collaborate with ISIS.

The source disclosed that Zakaria had purchased a vehicle and other resources for ISIS last year to facilitate an attack on the Deputy Governor and Police Chief in Badakhshan.

The source reveals that financial support was sent to these rebel commanders from two neighboring countries.

Sources have cautioned that ISIS-Khawarij is endeavoring to dispatch its operatives to other nations for assaults through their sympathizers and associates within the ranks of the National Resistance Front (NRF). They have largely been successful in these endeavors, having deployed their attack organizers to several countries under the guise of the resistance front (NRF).

According to the source, this strategic approach by ISIS-Khawarij has the potential for success, as many nations have accommodated individuals affiliated with the resistance front without perceiving them as a threat.

Abu Ahmad
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