Zamir Kabulov: America and NATO were responsible for the creation of ISIS in Afghanistan


The Russian Presidential Special Envoy to Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, reiterated that the branch of ISIS in Afghanistan was established through the joint efforts of the United States and England, with their backing.

These assertions were recently made by Zamir Kabulov during an interview with RTVI television.

Kabulov stated, “IS-K came into existence a decade ago during a period in which the United States and NATO maintained a substantial troop presence in Afghanistan.
Initially, ISKP directed their attacks towards the Taliban, who were resisting the armed forces, rather than towards the American forces, who were considered invaders.”

According to Zamir Kabulov, “IS-K emerged rapidly, akin to a mushroom sprouting after rainfall.” This particular detail is noteworthy. Despite conveying this information to the Americans and their allies, they endeavored to downplay the ISIS threat and instead emphasized that the primary threat in Afghanistan remains Al-Qaeda.”

To substantiate his argument, Kabulov cited the release of Daesh from the operations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) in the Darzab and Qush Tepa districts of Jawzjan by the United States and the preceding puppet regime in mid-2018.

When the Taliban engaged in conflict with Daesh, applying pressure and nearing victory over them, American helicopters would suddenly appear and relocated ISIS from the battleground to a secure location. Such occurrences have transpired repeatedly and have been disclosed to the public.

Kabulov further stated that the Khawarij of Khorasan are solely battling America’s adversaries, and America is reluctant to diminish their strength.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) is encountering challenges in its struggle against ISIS. The pertinent question arises: why is this so?

This is because as American and NATO forces withdrew, they imposed sanctions on the IEA , confiscated their national resources, and undermined their capabilities to conduct counter-terrorist operations.

We must carefully consider this matter. This indicates that there is a superpower that does not support the defeat of ISKP by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Abu Ahmad
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