What Is the Objective of the Ongoing Conflict Orchestrated by ISIS?


-Ahmad Al-Thalith

The Muslim Ummah has consistently emerged victorious over the Disbelievers whenever it has faced them in War. However, following each victory, the Khawārij have historically risen up and rebelled against the Muslim community, thereby separating themselves from the pure and righteous ranks of Islam.

Taking a moment to reflect upon the conquests of Ali and Mu’awiyah (May Allah be pleased with them), it is evident that Muslims were the predominant power during their era. Nevertheless, the Khawarij rebelled and opposed them.

Now, while keeping the aforementioned facts in mind, consider the Jihadist movements in Sham, Iraq, and other countries. Daesh did not rebel against them when they were weak. However, as soon as the believers gained dominance, Daesh not only began their opposition against them but went even further and declared their Jihad and struggle to be nothing more than a mere war. Daesh carelessly spilled the blood of Muslims as if it were water, enslaved women (turning them into concubines), and began slaughtering youngsters.

Today, ISIS is endeavoring to revive that same old recurring pattern in history, in Afghanistan. When the Islamic Emirate was in a state of war, Daesh didn’t oppose the IEA as openly, and their opposition was much milder. However, as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) neared the implementation of Shari’a law nationwide, Daesh began to stir up controversies and began an armed resistance. Similarly, when the Mujahideen gained absolute control over the political system, and the IEA became the governing body of Afghanistan, Daesh started to excommunicate scholars from the religion, declared the blood of Afghans permissible to spill, labeled Afghans as mercenaries, and began a series of oppressions after establishing a foothold in the country.

Why is it that they only rise up after the Ummah achieves victory? To understand the reasoning behind this, here is some context:

Firstly, the Disbelievers invade Muslim countries while simultaneously providing clandestine support to such groups. Their aim is that if their invasion is unsuccessful, these groups will openly initiate opposition, (and in the process) excommunicate the believers from the religion, cause the scholars to face martyrdom, destroy the Masājid and the Madāris, and avenge the disbelievers killed in the battlefields.

At this point, even we are clueless as to how many people Daesh has excommunicated, but you’re probably aware of the fact that even their own personnel aren’t safe from getting excommunicated (so how would we be?).

However, with the permission of Allah, the time for their downfall is approaching. This disgraced group will soon experience even greater humiliation.

Abu Ahmad
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