“Unveiling ISIS: Secrets and Alliances”


Written by: Abu Wahib Jowzjani

When ISIS initially emerged on the battlefield, it gradually revealed its true nature and concealed secrets. Even in its early stages, this group displayed signs indicating hidden agendas, although they initially kept them veiled from public view.

ISIS is an organization and movement harboring numerous clandestine secrets within its deeper layers. While the group may appear secretive in its ideology, individuals with investigative expertise and political insight can unveil the truth behind their actions.

ISIS’s Hidden Secrets:

1. A Secret Pact with the U.S.:
A former Pentagon commander claimed in an interview with Reuters that after Turkey shifted its stance, the U.S. allowed thousands of ISIS fighters to be released from Raqqa, Syria, under a secret deal to fight against Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

General Talal Silo, the spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)—an alliance of Kurds and some Arab tribes—revealed that these forces were the face and voice of the U.S. in the fight against ISIS in Syria.

Under U.S. support, forces expelled ISIS from Raqqa in October. A few weeks later, in mid-November, General Silo, a known adversary of the Kurds in northern Syria, defected to Turkey. After stepping down from his command, he spoke out for the first time, announcing that the U.S.-led coalition had allowed ISIS to fight against Assad.

Silo informed Reuters: “A decision was made to allow the terrorists to evacuate the city. Nearly 4,000 individuals, along with their families, departed the city, contradicting previous claims that only 500 ISIS militants had left.”

The clandestine agreement between the SDF and ISIS was initially revealed by the BBC in early November through investigative journalism.

Indeed, collaboration between the U.S. and ISIS has been referenced in numerous discussions and investigative reports, though this short article cannot cover all the details.

The phenomenon of ISIS was initially established based on an operational stance with the U.S., and they demonstrated this through their military actions.

Within regional and international intelligence circles, ISIS’s connections are widely known.

Abu Ahmad
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