“Understanding the Widespread Hatred Towards ISIS”


Written by: Ahmad Sadat

Allah, the Glorified, has bestowed upon each individual the capacity to perceive and feel. Innately, humans are inclined to love good things and to detest what is evil.

The teachings of Islam align with this natural disposition, which is why Muslims naturally cherish them. These teachings connect a person to Allah, grant access to paradise, and offer the opportunity to meet the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Among these teachings, Jihad holds a significant position, particularly appealing to the youth who are drawn to the ideals of jihad and martyrdom. It is understandable that young people often become involved in jihad more than older individuals.

However, those who are unable to participate in jihad, due to physical limitations or other factors, still feel a profound connection with other jihadist groups and the followers of this sacred path. They take pleasure in the courage and sacrifices of these warriors and often see themselves as part of the same struggle.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been established for several decades, and the admiration of the people for it continues to grow. Initially founded by a few students in a humble mud dwelling, it has now amassed millions of followers. The entire nation holds a deep respect for it, and it was this devotion that paved the way for the liberation of a cherished homeland and the establishment of a lasting Islamic system.

Al-Qaeda is another long-standing jihadist and Islamic group that comprises both Arabs and non-Arabs. Through the cooperation and dedication of its brave fighters, this group succeeded in demolishing the towers of American arrogance, overcoming barriers and military defences to bring down symbols of U.S. pride.

Hamas, a shining jihadist group from present-day Jerusalem, Palestine, and Gaza, has instilled fear in the Zionist regime. The entire Muslim world rejoices in its victories and mourns its losses. Recently, their esteemed leader, Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh (may Allah accept him), attained martyrdom, causing sorrow and mourning throughout the Islamic world.

The deep admiration that people harbor for these groups stems from a straightforward reason: they uphold the values of truth. Their ultimate goal is to establish Islam sincerely. They have taken up arms to enforce Sharia law. They are the true adherents of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the warriors of Khalid ibn al-Walid (may Allah be pleased with him).

Conversely, ISIS, which purports to be an Islamic militant organization, is, in reality, a product of Western influence. Despite its decade-long existence, people’s aversion towards it intensifies with each passing day. People denounce them, voice their opposition, and perceive them as proponents of darkness and oppression.

But why is there such vehement detestation? After all, they claim to represent Islamic ideals. So, why do people loathe them?

The reason is clear: they falsely present themselves as an Islamic jihadist group, yet they disgrace both jihad and Islam. They have martyred thousands of true mujahideen and ordinary Muslims, destroyed mosques, undermined the dignity of Islam, assassinated great scholars, and plunged the Muslim Ummah into sorrow.

Why wouldn’t people hate them? They have become tools of the West, distorted Islamic teachings, and portrayed Islam as a religion of terror and barbarism. They have stained humanity by shedding the blood of innocent people.

Abu Ahmad
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