Two Key ISIS Fighters Eliminated in Kabul province


Al-Mirsaad has received information from its reliable sources that on the 26th of Dhul-Hijjah (24th of saratā́n/15th of July), two top ISIS officials were killed in the operations carried out on a hideout of Daesh-e-Khawarijs in the Mirwais town area of Bagrami district in Kabul province.

One of the deceased officials was named Najib, who hailed from Kunduz province and had been assigned as the incharge of Nimroz province by ISKP. Another key individual who was eliminated was Anas, a citizen of Uzbekistan and the commander of ISKP’s operations planning.

According to reports, Najib and Anas were devising plans for attacks in Kabul city, but their intentions were thwarted by the operations of the special forces of the IEA before they could execute their plans.

Furthermore, it has been reported that an important group of ISKP has been arrested in Mazar-I-Sharif city, the capital of Balkh province. Among the detainees is a Tajik citizen as well. This group was planning to carry out destructive activities against civilian and military targets in Balkh and Kunduz provinces.

Abu Ahmad
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