This is an Issue of Your Ego, Irresponsibility, and Arrogance


Abdan Safi

Two days ago, Pakistan’s military spokesperson, Ahmed Sharif, stated at a press conference that the Pak-Afghan border is of such length that it cannot be monitored unilaterally. He mentioned that Pakistan has established 1,400 security posts along the border, whereas Afghan forces have only 200 security posts. Consequently, he expressed his viewpoint that the Afghan government appears to lack seriousness in protecting the border.

In response to the General’s remarks, I would like to emphasize the importance of choosing one’s words carefully and refraining from referring to the Durand Line as an international border, as it has never been officially recognized by the Afghans.

As regards monitoring this Durand Line, the issue lies in your ego, arrogance, and lack of seriousness. Despite constructing a fence, establishing checkpoints, installing cameras, and deploying numerous soldiers in the area, you failed to consult with the Afghan government and neglected to inform them of the situation.

Rather than establishing a collaborative mechanism between two nations, you chose to take unilateral actions and unilaterally declared the Durand Line as a secure border to assert your authority.

Furthermore, Pakistan has repeatedly exploited this so-called border for political gains. By senselessly blocking roads, they have inflicted harm on Afghan businessmen and citizens, attempting to pressure the Afghan government. However, these methods have proven ineffective, as Afghanistan has turned to other neighboring countries to meet its needs.

Furthermore, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has exerted all efforts to bring peace to Pakistan, dragging those who opposed from the mountains to the table for negotiations. However, the negotiation attempts flopped due to the sheer pride and arrogance of the Pakistani government and generals. It was crystal clear from their demeanor that they were not genuinely committed to resolving the issue.

Instead of expressing gratitude towards the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Pakistan shamelessly initiated propaganda in international forums to slander the Islamic Emirate. This shameful behavior only highlights the primitive and superficial thinking of the Pakistani rulers.

Not content with their vile actions, Pakistan repaid the kindness and assistance of the Islamic Emirate by fostering bloodthirsty terrorist organizations such as Daesh within Afghanistan. They provided them with operational bases in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan, as well as harboring their leaders, all in an effort to mercilessly spill the blood of Afghans.

Pakistan has shamelessly supported elements that rebel against the Islamic Emirate, granting them political legitimacy and extending invitations to official Pakistani meetings merely for political backing, all of which are completely illegitimate and intolerable.

Abu Ahmad
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