The West Exploits Central Asia’s Resources Through ISIS


Written by: Abdullah

Numerous Asian countries possess substantial natural resources and reserves that contribute to a modern and advancing way of life. These resources include natural gas, oil, freshwater, precious building stones, lapis lazuli, coral, rubies, emeralds, gold, chromite, uranium, iron, coal, and more.

These resources are primarily located in South and Central Asia. While some Asian countries have already tapped into these resources to a certain extent, a significant portion still remains untapped due to their abundance.

Western countries have not been as fortunate in possessing such wealth, as many of them lack a rich ancient history and were originally discovered as isolated islands surrounded by water. Consequently, Western countries lack stable sources of mineral and natural wealth.

Therefore, the West aims to exploit the resources of Asian nations and deprive them of their wealth. This has led to continuous interventions in Asian countries, causing instability, fueling civil wars, and fostering conflicts between nations in the region. The Western powers have also sown seeds of division to maintain distrust among Asian countries, hindering their ability to utilize and benefit from their resources.

When these resources are not extracted legally and remain untapped, the West, known for its continuous interference in Asia, seizes the opportunity to extract them through illicit means using their established networks. This mirrors the extraction of valuable minerals during Afghanistan’s 45-year war.

The West engages in these activities because legal resource projects require long-term planning and ongoing security measures. Hence, the West often promotes instability in Asia to further its agenda. One prominent strategy they employ is the ISIS project, which is utilized extensively to incite local destabilization while shifting blame onto other Asian countries.

Compelling evidence of this assertion is the recent identification of ISIS centers in certain Western colonial territories, where they operate on a large scale on behalf of Western interests.

Abu Ahmad
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