The Ummah’s Military Power Is Being Weakened by ISIS


Baryal Fateh

Islam, in comparison to any other religion or faith, emphasizes the need for military strength to eradicate mischief, propagate Islam, and elevate the Word of Allah. Islam demands the manufacturing of weapons, preparation, and constant readiness in all circumstances to ensure that our enemies do not triumph over us.

Furthermore, the disbelievers also strive to prioritize military power above all else. The ideology known as Liberalism, which is widely regarded as a dominant ideology in the current global system and upon which the principles of all nations are based, posits that possessing power is essential for survival; otherwise, society resembles a jungle where the strong prey on the weak. This ideology is wholly centered on obtaining, protecting, and enhancing power.

Just as power leads to victory and success, the absence of power and capability leads to decline and destruction. That is, with the elimination of the enemy’s military power, their intellectual, cultural, political, economic, and various other abilities also get destroyed.

In comparison to other countries, nations, and religious factions, we possess a highly superior army, characterized by high morale and great sacrifices, perceiving both life and death in battle as a source of honor. This is why the international community, in an attempt to weaken our military prowess, seeks to divide us into factions, squander our youth, and harm us by targeting key leaders and military commanders.

They are executing their strategy under the guise of Islamic movements, for instance:

The entire effort of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to ensure that work is done through preaching instead of military strength and warfare, leading to the wastage of our youth, and providing a pretext to those who fear jihad. If work cannot be accomplished through Hizb ut-Tahrir, then the enemy uses the terrorist proxy group named ISIS, which collaborates with them in destroying the military power of the Ummah.

ISIS, through the martyrdom of significant leaders, massacres in the name of jihad, creates distrust within the Ummah regarding jihad, and ultimately through civil war, wants to engage the Ummah in conflict amongst themselves, thus leading to the destruction of our strength. Due to these activities, far from empowering the Ummah, it will never even be capable of defending itself, and the existing small movements will also weaken because of them.

ISIS can never defeat the jihadi movements; it only distracts their focus for a short time, which the enemy enjoys. ISIS will certainly be destroyed at any cost, but at present, occupying the fighters, wasting the youth, and tarnishing the reputation of jihad are its worst deeds.

Abu Ahmad
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