The Terrorist Approach of Pakistani Generals

Ehsanullah Ehsan

Pakistan, a country known for its interference in the affairs of neighboring nations, causing widespread chaos. Its military leaders have historically prioritized their own interests over those of other countries. However, in realizing the negative repercussions of their policies, they have attempted to shift blame onto others for their failures.

Amidst Pakistan’s fragile security situation and inability to control internal unrest, the Pakistani establishment sought to release its frustration through airstrikes on neighboring Afghanistan. Despite failed attempts to substantiate their claims regarding these attacks, today, in Kandahar, they orchestrated a devastating assault using their proxy militants and suicide tactics.

According to reliable sources, the recent suicide attack in Kandahar was orchestrated by ISI officers within the Pakistani military garrison, utilizing a suicide bomber associated with ISIS.

This attack is indicative of Pakistan’s utilization of proxies and warfare tactics in Afghanistan to foment unrest.

The objective behind ISKP’s attack in Kandahar is to convey a message to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) that they have this option for insecurity in Afghanistan.

In order to create insecurity in Afghanistan, the Pakistani establishment is utilizing all available means. It is anticipated that this strategic approach may intensify in the days to come, necessitating preparedness on the part of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) and intelligence agencies to address the situation effectively.


Abu Ahmad
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