The Sword of Justice upon the Necks of the Khawarij and Rebels


Sharif Harawi

As the occupation of Afghanistan resulted in numerous misfortunes and troubles, their defeat and escape from the country also led to many advantages and joys.

One of the calamities that afflicted the oppressed nation of Afghanistan during the occupation was the presence of shameless and unrestrained individuals who engaged in various forms of evil and corruption.

These individuals openly oppressed the populace, looted their possessions, and caused widespread suffering and instability.

Their involvement in crimes, such as theft, kidnapping, highway robbery, and murder, was evident.

Despite the nation growing weary of their misconduct, the puppet administration of Kabul, which was installed by the occupiers, not only lacked the resolve to combat them but at times even colluded with them and utilized them for their own gains.

With the eventual loosening of the occupiers’ grip on the region and their departure, all afflictions, including the despicable agents of corruption, were eradicated.

In the initial days of the conquest, many left Afghanistan, but some who did not have the chance to flee remained in Afghanistan. Subsequently, they attempted to challenge the Islamic regime by initiating a rebellion.

However, their rebellion was swiftly crushed by the valiant forces of the Islamic regime, leaving them humiliated.

As time passed, there were no further reports of rebellion or defiant actions until recently, when an individual known for corruption during the time of the republic, whose current whereabouts remain unknown outside Afghanistan, released a manipulated video claiming to be situated in the foothills of the Hindu Kush.

This far-fetched assertion was not only ridiculed by the media and its affiliates but also became a subject of satire.

However, it appears that some individuals were deceived by this fabricated video and decided to rebel against the Islamic regime.

Subsequently, a small faction ventured to a mountain in the Baghlan province where, in a brief video, they declared their rebellion – a recording that ultimately sealed their fate.

As per their claim, this video was recorded on the 1st of the month of Saratan in the current year. However, merely a few days later, on the 8th of the month of Saratan, the valiant intelligence forces of the Islamic Emirate released another video featuring them, albeit with the stark contrast that they were no longer alive.

Following the demise of these rebels, significant attention was drawn towards documents retrieved by the forces of the Islamic Emirate, which further solidified the evidence of collaboration between these two factions – “rebellion and ISIS” – against the Islamic regime.

Indeed, the Khawarij, who unjustly harmed many innocent Muslims based on unfounded allegations of collaboration with non-believers and brutally mutilated their bodies, have now not only become pawns of regional intelligence but have also colluded with dishonorable individuals to overthrow the Islamic regime.

To those ensnared by the deceit of this Kharijite faction, who have recklessly gambled with their faith and worldly affairs, what has become of you?

Why have you allowed yourselves to fall prey to the machinations of this Khawarij group and risked both your religion and your livelihood?

Why do you not utilize the intellect bestowed upon you by Allah and take a moment to ponder?

How is it possible for a group that desires the implementation of Sharia to fight against the Islamic regime with the cooperation of the world of disbelief the like rebels?

Did they not always speak of a caliphate on the prophetic methodology?

Where in the life of the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, and his noble companions have you observed such behavior?

How beautifully the esteemed Prophet, peace be upon him, described you when he said “صفهاء الاحلام,” meaning the Khawarij are those who are weak-minded and ignorant.

You are indeed ignorant and lacking in understanding, however, please be aware: the soldiers of Islam, acting upon the command of the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, will eliminate you wherever you may be found, in order to safeguard the Islamic nation from your harm and distress.

This decree applies not only to the Khawarij but to any rebel seeking to oppose the Islamic regime and take up arms against the Afghan people for the benefit of foreign entities.

The brave troops of this region are prepared to confront any corrupt or unlawful factions and will not tolerate any disturbances to the peace and stability they have diligently maintained through their actions, rather than mere words.

Abu Ahmad
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