The Plague Known as ISIS | Part 7


Abu Hajar al-Kurdi

The tale of Daesh’s crimes is never-ending, and this lethal faction has perpetrated a multitude of crimes.

My fragmented writings presented here are indeed an account of the battlefield experiences and firsthand testimonies.

Following the martyrdom of Abu Ridhwan, upon the seizure of several of Baghdadi’s soldiers by the Mujahideen, three foreign combatants—two from Northeast Asia and one from Costa Rica—attempted to assault the Mujahideen despite being restrained. They vocally expressed their intention, stating, “Should we prevail and liberate ourselves, we shall decapitate you, deeming it more virtuous than a century of worship.”

In response to queries regarding their profound animosity towards the Mujahideen, they asserted, “You have deviated from the path of Allah’s religion (معاذ اللہ), and your transgression surpasses that of the infidels. Our paramount objective is your eradication in battle.”

Upon hearing such sentiments, I inquired once more as to why they labeled the Mujahideen as apostates. Their explanation was, “Because you are in conflict with the Islamic State, which represents the foremost jihadist uprising of this epoch, and according to the teachings of the Quran and the Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, this designation is applicable to you.”

A particular individual named Abu Asri Dimashqi expounded similar unfounded contentions; however, when I endeavored to engage him in logical discourse, he rebuffed my attempts.

Such individuals and their unsubstantiated arguments underscore the ignorance prevalent among Baghdadi’s adherents.

They resemble one who possesses sight yet derives no benefit from it, willfully shutting their eyes and blindly adhering to various authorities. Such individuals lack a sense of purpose in life, as they immerse themselves in darkness and ignorance.

Abu Ahmad
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