Part 2
Written by: Junaid Zahid
The presence of Islamic scholars and preachers in European societies has played a pivotal role in introducing the authentic teachings of Islam to its people. At the same time, legitimate Islamic resistance movements have sought to demonstrate that Islam and jihad are not synonymous with violence but rather with justice, human prosperity, and liberation from oppression.
These movements, engaged in struggles against the enemies of faith and humanity worldwide, have gained deep respect and admiration from many.
However, out of concern for the increasing influence of Islam, particularly in Europe, the West endeavored to counter these movements by creating a group under the guise of Islam—a faction intended to provoke violence, instill fear, and link its acts of brutality to Islamic principles.
In reality, ISIS emerged as a highly effective tool in advancing this sinister agenda. Western powers played a crucial role in its creation and growth, supplying the necessary resources for the group to commit heinous acts that horrified the world and caused profound suffering to humanity.
Western-controlled media worked tirelessly to highlight the dramatic actions of this organization on a daily basis and to promote the false idea that all of these tyrannies and atrocities are rooted in Islam. The West aimed to convey to the world that individuals who adopt Islam would mirror ISIS, and that Islam is synonymous with what this group embodies.
Driven by fear of Islam’s spread, the West launched military campaigns against Muslim countries under the pretext of fighting terrorism, all while exploiting their resources and destabilizing their societies.
ISIS stands out as one of the most influential modern instruments in promoting Islamophobia in the Western world. Its actions have fueled this phenomenon to such an extent that their repercussions are expected to persist for years to come.
Yet, despite these efforts, the West has never succeeded in eradicating Islam from people’s hearts, as the truth always prevails. However, through the ISIS project, they have effectively diverted many from the truth, leading them toward falsehood.
It is crucial to remember that Allah Almighty has taken it upon Himself to safeguard and uphold this religion. We place our trust in His promise that those who strive and fight for the divine religion will prevail, whereas ISIS and its proponents will face the consequences of their actions.
Allah Almighty has exposed their deceit in His glorious Quran, stating:
“They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, even though the disbelievers dislike it.”