The Modern Kharijites: Mercenary Assassins of Mossad | Part One


Written by: Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi

Part (1)

ISIS, which claims to be the revivalist of the Islamic Caliphate, has in reality become a major obstacle to its restoration. The Jews have never desired for the Muslim Ummah to regain its former glory.

For this reason, they present various alleged Islamic scholars and hired assassins disguised as Mujahideen to deceive the Ummah of the true and truthful Prophet (peace be upon him), under different banners, with the aim of fragmenting the unity of the Muslim Ummah. As a result, they can achieve their nefarious objectives without hesitation or fear.

To further this goal, they have even established an “Islamic University” in Tel Aviv, where only Jewish students are admitted. These students are instructed in Islamic subjects such as translation, Tafsir, Hadith, Usul al-Hadith, Fiqh, and Usul al-Fiqh. Through these educated individuals, the Jews seek to propagate Judaism among Muslims.

In order to better accomplish this objective, they laid the foundation of the modern Kharijites (ISIS).

The founders of today’s Kharijites are also Jewish, akin to the original founder of the Kharijites, Abd Allah ibn Saba’, a Jew from the city of Sana’a in Yemen. Abd Allah ibn Saba’, through his extreme duplicity, incited rebellion against Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) and subsequently spearheaded the labeling of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) as a non-believer. He posed a significant hindrance to the restoration of the Islamic Caliphate.

Presently, the modern Kharijites (ISIS) tread the same path as their forebears. These hired assassins of Mossad harbor no desire for the Muslim Ummah to unify under a single Islamic Caliphate, for the unity of Muslims would signify the downfall of Israel and the Kharijites, leading to them facing the wrath of Allah.

ISIS are such ruthless mercenaries that even Israel is astonished by their actions. The Jews, in their hearts, admit that they themselves could not have carried out such inhumane and despicable deeds against Islam and the Islamic Caliphate.


Abu Ahmad
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