The Khawārij: An Insight into Their History and Identity


Part 5

Written by: Rashid Shafiq

The Revolutionary Activities of the Khawārij

As previously mentioned, the Khawārij established their government on the basis of extremism and consequently expanded their influence. Their revolutionary movements were consistently severe and violent. This series of actions commenced with the separation of the “Muḥakkima” faction against Hazrat ʿAlī (RA). Over time, these groups fragmented into smaller militant factions that waged guerrilla warfare against Hazrat ʿAlī (RA) and later rebelled against the Umayyads.

In 64 AH, under the leadership of Nāfiʿ ibn al-Azraq, the Khawārij split into major factions that persisted until the Abbasid Caliphate. in modern sense, the Khawārij were considered an “opposition group,” and their movements are documented in history and in the books of sects.

The Sects (Factions) of the Khawārij

Allah, the Exalted, displayed mercy to humanity by causing division among the Khawārij. Had they remained united, they would have posed a significant threat to the Muslim community. Their divisions primarily stemmed from their radical ideologies. For instance, when Nāfiʿ ibn al-Azraq introduced views regarding Taqiyya (dissimulation) and the rulings concerning the children of opponents, further disputes arose among them, leading to the establishment of various sects.

Certain factions among them eventually vanished, some merged with others, and some abandoned their erroneous beliefs.

The Number of Khawārij Sects

Scholars have presented varying opinions regarding the number of Khawārij sects. For instance, Imam Al-Ashʿarī (RA) categorized them into four factions; other scholars classified them into five, seven, or even 25 factions, while some perspectives suggest that their number was even greater.

The precise number of Khawārij sects remains unknown for several reasons:

1. The Khawārij were unstable due to conflicts and changing circumstances.

2. They would separate from each other over minor disputes.

3. The Khawārij kept their writings concealed out of apprehension or for personal reasons, thus complicating the acquisition of precise information about their ideologies.

The Ibadi Sect (The Sole Existing Khawārij Group)

The Ibadi sect of Khawārij still has many followers worldwide. This group warrants particular study due to its political, doctrinal, and social perspectives.

The Leader of the Ibadis

The Ibadis attribute their school of thought to Jābir ibn Zayd al-ʾAzdī, a student of ibn al-ʿAbbās (RA). Nonetheless, their name is associated with ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ibāḍ, known for his stances against rulers. ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ibāḍ belonged to the Banū Tamīm tribe and is regarded among the Tabi’un.

The Ibadi Position on the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH)

All Khawārij maintain a stance of utmost respect and reverence for Hazrat Abū Bakr and Hazrat ʿUmar (may Allah be pleased with them). However, they have displayed disrespect towards Hazrat ʿUthmān and ʿAlī (may Allah be pleased with them) and have made statements from which Allah has cleansed them. They have also adopted a stringent stance against Talha and Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them), despite the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) giving them the good news of Paradise.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Do not revile my Companions. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if one of you were to spend in charity the equivalent of Mount Uhud in gold, it would not match even half a handful of what they did.”

If this group does not honor the distinguished Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), then whom do they consider honorable?

Abu Ahmad
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