“The Irreparable Mistake of a Neighboring Country”


Salim Omar

The recent maneuvers of a neighboring country near the borders of Afghanistan, alongside the presence of high-ranking American military leaders in those areas, have garnered significant global media attention.

According to reports from reputable media outlets in the region and worldwide, the Pakistani military, with the support of American forces, has initiated large-scale movements in the border areas with Afghanistan. Most analysts posit that these actions are a response to the escalating attacks by the Pakistani Taliban movement.

On numerous occasions, senior officials in Pakistan have stated that the country’s armed forces have commenced an operation named “Azm-e-Istehkam” to combat the TTP. However, at what cost?

The Pakistani government is facing a severe economic crisis and is burdened with debts exceeding 115 billion dollars, making it alone unable to bear the expenses of this war.

It is pertinent to note that the government of Pakistan is facing a profound economic crisis, and is burdened with debts exceeding 115 billion dollars, making it alone unable to bear the expenses of this war. Consequently, weeks ago, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States requested both military and financial assistance from the American authorities to combat the Tehreek-e-Taliban. Subsequently, a number of American forces were observed near the Afghanistan border.

It appears that Pakistan might be seeking assistance and support from the United States in the Azm-e-Istehkam operation to advance its objectives against jihadist movements.

The crucial inquiry now emerges – will America extend economic and military aid to Pakistan in this conflict and stand in solidarity with them?

Undoubtedly, there are indications of American support for Pakistan in the Azm-e-Istehkam operation. Pakistan has effectively transformed into a theater of war.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is fervently advocating for the establishment of an Islamic system and the enforcement of Sharia law. Their resolve, determination, and actions pose a significant threat to the Pakistani government.

The government of Pakistan must heed the lessons of those who relied on America and its allies, only to be abandoned and face adversity in the end.

Abu Ahmad
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