The Ideological Structure of Daesh | Part One


Author: Barakatullah Danishwar

Part 1

Human beings, through collective efforts and group activities, can leave a profound impact and bring about lasting changes. Individual efforts are often limited in scope and foundation, with weak influence and minimal impact.

These groups are engaged in various fields and working toward different objectives. Some activities are focused on positive and beneficial goals, while others are centered on negative and harmful pursuits.

Many individuals aspire to attain political power and strive to establish a governing environment. In pursuit of this aim, they are willing to go to great lengths, utilizing any means and enduring significant costs, which they impose on the populace.

Among these groups is Daesh (ISIS), which emerged several years ago, presenting a dark and malevolent presence.

In recent years, Daesh and its numerous violent atrocities have become well-known to the public. Few individuals are unfamiliar with the group’s actions, objectives, and the tragic events it has incited.

In order to achieve its aims, Daesh demonstrates a willingness to engage in unlawful, violent, and terrifying deeds. The group shows no regard for the crimes committed against individuals and society. The primary threat posed by Daesh to the general population is the loss of life and harm inflicted.

These actions stem from the ideologies and mindsets instilled in the members of the group. Their beliefs shape them into viewing themselves as righteous and others as culpable; they perceive themselves as followers of light and joy, while branding others as followers of darkness and misfortune.

An individual is essentially a product of their thoughts, which shape their character and direct all their abilities towards the chosen path. At times, these thoughts align with the correct and righteous path, enabling the individual to serve and instigate change.

Unfortunately, however, external and internal influences can lead individuals astray, causing them to choose the wrong path and descend into a state of ruin and disgrace.

Abu Ahmad
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