The Ideological Structure of Daesh | Part 3 |

Written by: Barkatullah Danishwar

Part 3

Brutal Cruelty

One of the key factors that tarnished the image of Daesh worldwide, especially in Islamic countries, and exposed the reality of its true nature was its extreme brutality—shedding the blood of innocent people and acts of violence committed against the general public.

There is no doubt that Islam is a religion of mercy and kindness. Love and gentleness are deeply embedded in all the teachings of this noble religion, and it is this compassion and love that have immortalized the beauty of Islam in people’s hearts and captured their minds.

Despite these virtues, if a faction operating under the guise of Islam engages in warfare, bloodshed, and terrorism—while its actions contradict the fundamental tenets of the religion—how can it gain the approval of the masses? How can it claim a place under the broad umbrella of Islam? And how can it shield itself from the flood of accusations, condemnation, and severe criticism?

For this reason, ISIS was able, for a short time, to conceal its true nature behind the facade of noble slogans, hoist its flag, and engage in deceptive maneuvers. However, nothing lasts forever. Any group that deviates from the truth is ultimately rejected by the people and faces severe criticism from both scholarly and governmental institutions.

Now that the veil of their deceit has been lifted and their unfounded claims of establishing a caliphate have been uncovered, their true nature has been unmasked. Their words have lost value, and their reality appears like the piercing rays of the sun at dawn.

What promptly unmasks the reality of such groups and counters their deception is the growing awareness and insight of the people. When nations cultivate the capacity to analyze and comprehend events, they become increasingly immune to deception. Rather than reacting emotionally, they assess everything through rationale and knowledge.

In today’s interconnected world, where information spreads rapidly through advanced communication platforms, duping the masses has become an increasingly arduous task. Consequently, Daesh, akin to other extremist factions, was swiftly exposed. Their genuine intentions became apparent, their web of falsehoods crumbled, and they could no longer camouflage behind vibrant slogans.

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