Written by: Ali Ansar
Part 1
Allah, the Almighty, has bestowed a great blessing upon us by granting us the holy religion of Islam and a beloved Prophet such as Muhammad (PBUH). Furthermore, He has bestowed upon us another great honor, which is the holy path and obligation of jihad.
Jihad is among the most revered commands of Allah, particularly for those whose veins are filled with the love and blood of Islam. It serves as the most effective means for implementing Sharia and establishing justice.
However, throughout history, there has consistently been a faction of rebels that rises against truth and Jihad, seeking to obscure the light of truth and suppress it. These groups are sometimes incited by others, sometimes misled in the name of truth, and often act out of their own ignorance.
Initially, these factions engage in verbal extremism, utilizing their deceptive tongues to lead Muslims away from the path of truth towards falsehood. They lure the youth into pits of destruction, strip them of their human values and rights, and ultimately tarnish and distort the reputation of humanity and Islam.
One such faction is the misguided sect of the Khawarij. The Khawarij advocate and practice extremism, excommunication (takfir), and terror. While there are various accounts and opinions regarding their origin and emergence, most scholars agree that the group first appeared during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The first individual from this group criticized the Prophet (PBUH), questioning his true justice. Abdullah ibn Dhul-Khuwaisira said to the Prophet: “Be just, O Muhammad!”
This occurred despite the fact that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was, both prior to and following Prophethood, the most just and trustworthy person of this Ummah. Even the disbelievers of that time acknowledged his truthfulness, justice, and trustworthiness. Yet, these followers of darkness doubted the pure intentions and justice of the Prophet (PBUH).
Hazrat Umar (RA) intended to eliminate Dhul-Khuwaisira, but the Prophet (PBUH) prevented him and added: “From this man’s descendants will emerge people whose worship will surpass yours, but they will depart from the religion just as an arrow exits its target.”
As predicted by the Prophet (PBUH), the number of Khawarij increased. Their malevolent agenda aimed at undermining Islam, proliferating the practice of takfir, and sowing discord and divisions among Muslims, to the extent that they martyred the third Caliph of Islam, the epitome of modesty and generosity, Hazrat Uthman (RA), while he was reciting the Quran.
Following this heinous and unforgivable crime, they fomented conflicts between Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Muawiyah (RA), pitting Muslim armies against each other. Ultimately, they martyred the fourth Caliph of Islam, the paragon of courage and valor, Hazrat Ali (RA), while he was calling the Adhan for the Fajr prayer.
Just as the Prophet (PBUH) had foretold, a group would emerge claiming to be the most devout Muslims, yet they would stray from Islam just as an arrow exits its target; the extremism of the Khawarij escalated, plunging them deeper into ignorance and darkness.
To be continued…