The Divine Wisdom in the Rise of Modern Khawarij: A Blessing in Disguise for the Muslim Ummah


Written by: Usman Khalid

Verily, Allah Almighty has made a solemn covenant with the believers and His devout servants, promising to cleanse their ranks of the impure. Throughout history, whenever Allah intended to purify the ranks of Muslims, a small and seemingly insignificant event would occur, through which the ranks of Muslims were sifted, and the truth was separated from falsehood. If such events didn’t take place, the Muslim community would face great challenges, which would be very difficult to resolve later on.

This sacred act of separation manifests differently throughout history: Sometimes, it involves distinguishing between the sincere and the hypocrites, at other times, it is about separating Muslims from disbelievers, and occasionally, it is about distinguishing Ahl al-Sunnah from other misguided groups.

In our times, Allah, in His infinite wisdom and foresight, has once again unveiled His grand plan. When the entirety of the disbelieving world, along with its misguided adherents, led by the forces of America, found itself vanquished before the rise of the Islamic Emirate, and the triumphant hymns of victory resonated in the ears of the long-oppressed Muslims and Mujahideen, it became evident that a profound cleansing and refinement of the Emirate’s ranks was imperative.

This was because the forthcoming victory and success, which would come in the form of governance under the responsibility of the Islamic Emirate, required that the system be based on the beliefs and principles of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. However, there was a potential problem, as in the past 20 years, people of all kinds had infiltrated the ranks of the Mujahideen, making it impossible for the Mujahideen to sift them out.

Then, in Iraq, a rebellious figure by the name of Baghdadi proclaimed himself as Caliph, gathering under his banner the extremist and deviant Khawarij from across the globe. Through this divine machination, Allah, in His boundless mercy, rid the Muslim ranks of the impurities that had long tainted them, executing this purification with unparalleled precision

Had this purification not occurred, the Islamic Emirate, along with the Mujahideen throughout the world, would have inevitably succumbed to profound internal discord and strife. Such divisions would have posed a grave and existential threat to the Emirate’s governance, its political framework, and its ability to rule, leaving it susceptible to collapse under the weight of its own internal conflicts.

Abu Ahmad
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