The Dark Motivations Fueling Daesh Fighters


Written by: Atiqullah Saeed

Daesh is a militant group that was created and sponsored by major world powers to further their interests in Central Asia and the world’s most oil-rich regions. Originally, they initiated their campaign under the guise of enforcing Sharia law, but as a result of internal chaos and disorganization within their ranks, along with their lack of adherence to any religious principles, they faced an uncertain fate.

There is a notable absence of their leaders, as well as a lack of clear information regarding the source of their command. Even their own fighters are unaware of their leadership, objectives, and methods.

Their lower ranks are steeped in debauchery, having reached a state of utter ruin. Many have witnessed their own family members being subjected to sexual violence at the hands of their comrades. Women among them often marry multiple militants, so much so that there is no certainty about the paternity of their children. These fatherless youths are set to form the backbone of a future military force, a brutal and bloodthirsty unit reminiscent of Blackwater.

The sole motivation for their future fighters is to satisfy their lust and gain material benefits, which will turn them into a blind and ignorant army.

They have no family, no life, and no future, making them perfect fuel for the machinations of intelligence agencies, which the global community exploits. Even now, they are recruiting many unsuspecting young men in the region and beyond driven solely by their lust and materialistic inclinations. Ultimately, their motivations are rooted in hedonism and greed.

Abu Ahmad
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