The Bogus Emirs of the Fictitious Caliphate


Part I

Salahuddin Sani

Respected Muslims, it is important to acknowledge that every action and deed of the false caliphate is tainted with immorality and corruption. This so-called caliphate, which has been established by the West and its allies, has become a troubling stain on the reputation of Islam in the present era.

The so-called false caliphate, which the Daesh Khawarij claim to be the righteous path for the Muslim Ummah, instead of promoting goodness, consistently undermines the foundations of the Ummah and sows discord among its members.

ISIS consistently accuses the Ummah’s leaders, jihadi leaders, scholars, and politicians of disbelief and apostasy, dividing and categorizing them based on language, tribe, lineage, religion, and color.

No matter how extensively we discuss and write about ISIS Khawarij and their false leaders, it is not enough. However, let us return to the main topic at hand – the phrase “the false leaders of the false caliphate.” ISIS-Khawarij incessantly criticize the leader, officials, and system of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), resorting to words filled with insults.

Although Daesh-Khawarij and their false leaders have always attempted to discredit Islam and its true followers or misrepresent them, we are grateful to Allah that they have not succeeded, with the help and support of the Allah almighty.

If they accuse Islam and its true followers for the sake of the interests of notorious foreigners and their leaders, then we shall indeed expose their so-called false Islamic caliphate and their false leaders who are in conflict with Allah, the Messenger of Allah, and the religion.

Firstly, I would like to address the founder of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who prioritized the interests of America over the blood of the Muslim Ummah and instilled the evil disease of misguidance within the younger generations of the Muslim Ummah.

1- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not someone of Qureshi or Hussaini origin.

More to be continued…
By the will of Allah S.W.T.

Abu Ahmad
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