Safeguard Your Children From the Detrimental Influence of ISIS Ideology


Qalb al-Assad al-Afghani

ISIS is a deceptive organization that actively targets the impressionable minds of children, seeking to impose their extremist beliefs upon Muslim youth. A significant number of young boys have been observed associating with this group.

The group targets the younger generation as older individuals are aware of the organization’s non-Islamic activities. It is apparent that they do not strive to uphold the principles of Islam, nor do they have intentions of promoting Islamic teachings. The absence of scholars within their organization raises questions about their legitimacy as an Islamic group.

They do not strive for the advancement of Islam; if they were a genuinely Islamic entity, why is there a lack of ulama among their ranks?

Why is the majority of their organization comprised of adolescent boys?

Furthermore, why are women permitted to join their ranks alongside men?

Why are women subjected to sexual harassment within their ranks, and why are children being born unlawfully within their ranks?

In summary, ISIS aims to manipulate the minds of our youth and use them as shields.

It is crucial to educate our new generation about the un-Islamic and inhumane practices of ISIS and prevent them from affiliating with their corrupt organization.

Abu Ahmad
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