Richard Bennett: Representative of Global Deceptive Ideology


Maher Bilal

The United Nations is widely recognized as a malevolent and deceptive organization. Despite its outward claims of serving humanity, it is, in reality, a tool of the Illuminati and Zionist agendas.

This organization bears responsibility for the wars and unrest that afflict both Muslim and non-Muslim nations. It deploys military forces worldwide under the pretext of peacekeeping, yet these operations frequently result in mass atrocities, later celebrated as triumphs.

Though the UN was initially created with a noble purpose—to respect and protect the rights of all nations—the United States, which now controls all major global institutions, has subverted this purpose to serve its own political interests.

What is particularly alarming is that in the early 20th century, the countries associated with this institution—both non-Muslim and nominally Muslim—banded together against the Islamic Emirate. They waged a two-decade-long war, vilifying the IEA as a terrorist state, and continue their efforts to undermine it even today. Yet, they remain conspicuously silent regarding the actions of Israel and the Zionist regime.

These Jews have martyred 14,000 women, massacred thousands of children and elderly, bombed countless homes, displaced millions, and committed atrocities so severe that the mere mention of them sends chills down the spine. They slaughter the oppressed, burn them alive, and even metaphorically consume their flesh, yet these global powers remain indifferent. They neither send forces to stop these atrocities nor call for the defense and assistance of the oppressed.

However, they did not hesitate to encourage Western aggression against the Islamic Emirate two decades ago, leading to the invasion of Afghanistan, while remaining silent on the atrocities committed by Israeli terrorists. Why is that?

The answer is simple: all political and civil organizations based on disbelief work in the interests of disbelief. They seek to humiliate the Muslim Ummah and ensure their objectives against Islam. Therefore, trusting these deceitful representatives is futile; instead, it is crucial to re-establish Islamic unity.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has once again demonstrated its sovereignty by blacklisting figures like Richard Bennett, rejecting the desires of these foreign institutions. Their mercenaries may once again be stirred to seek revenge for the humiliation of their masters, but, by the grace of Allah, just as before, these enemies of Islam will fail and be defeated.

Richard Bennett, currently serving as the UN’s special rapporteur for human rights in Afghanistan, is a well-known adversary of Islam. His history of hostility towards Islam and Muslims is well-documented, from his previous roles in Nepal to Afghanistan, where he consistently worked against the interests of Islam.

His current position is another step in the ongoing conspiracy against the Islamic Emirate, disguised as a concern for human rights. By falsely waving the banner of human rights, he seeks to discredit the Islamic Emirate on the global stage, but his true mission is to further the agenda of those who are enemies of Islam.

Bennett’s reports and statements are devoid of credible evidence and are motivated by the same deceitful mindset that seeks to discredit the Islamic Emirate at any cost. His aim is to furnish the so-called international community with a pretext to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

However, the Islamic Emirate, with Allah’s help, is well aware of these conspiracies and has robust strategies in place to counter them. The Emirate’s leadership has always maintained that it does not need lectures on human rights from those who are the world’s biggest violators of these rights. The Islamic Emirate has a long history of dealing with such deceitful and hostile elements, and with Allah’s will, it will continue to defend its sovereignty and protect the rights of its people against all enemies, both internal and external.

In conclusion, the Muslim Ummah must remain vigilant against these global forces of deception and their representatives, like Richard Bennett. Now is the time to fortify our Islamic unity and confront these conspiracies with wisdom, patience, and, above all, unwavering faith in Allah.

May Allah grant victory to the Islamic Emirate (IEA) and shield the Muslim Ummah from the malevolent schemes of its enemies. Ameen.

Abu Ahmad
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